Replaceable treatment Head of Dot Matrix RF

Replaceable treatment Head of Dot Matrix RF


(3 customer reviews)

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SKU: 3010 Head Categories: ,

Replace treatment head/tip for NORLANYA Dot Matrix RF Device.

One piece per lot.

For best performance, recommend to replace the tip after 40 uses or the dots get oxidization.

3 reviews for Replaceable treatment Head of Dot Matrix RF

  1. Y*** y

    exatamente o que está descrito, apenas não tenho como avaliar o funcionamento porque ainda não usei.

    Helpful? 0 0
  2. N**** B********

    Nice safe package. Fast delivery.

    Helpful? 0 0
  3. R*** B****

    The price was great and so was the delivery. I searched the internet for awhile. I am so glad you had these in stock

    Helpful? 2 0
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